Rira is a lightweight social network, based on a more complete and elaborate dialogue and content creation, in addition to writing and video, with a focus on quality rather than quantity.
Well, we don't know what Rira is, but we know that with the community it will become something incredible, it will be whatever the community's users want it to be or become.
We have a vision that will guide us towards what we believe is best for social network users in general. We will list what we will offer users in addition to better quality content.
Here is a summary of the benefits of being a content creator on Rira:
- Transparency of the algorithm.
Initially, the most viewed content is at the top, and we will readjust over time to content that combines views, quality, engagement and consistency. Initially, following the formula ((q+w)/c).
- Punishment for spam, copied or sexual videos.
Vulgar or offensive content will have its reach reduced, depending on the level of violation it will be deleted or the channel will be banned.
- Delivery to your community
Guaranteed delivery to your community, in case of spam the content will be lost in delivery.
- Delivery to potential future members of your community.
Our algorithm, along with machine learning and behavioral analysis, will determine potential users or members who can become part of your community, being delivered videos or notified, and even being recommended.
- Variety of Monetization;
a) Real followers.
b) Sponsored ads.
c) Sale of platform products.
d) Contract as a content creator.
e) Paid subscription.
f) Hours watched, Views, Interaction.
g) Participation in the company's shares.
- Annual events and awards for content creators.
Cash prizes, plaques and worldwide recognition, we will offer everything paid, initially for the biggest creators and in the future we will expand.
- Event open to the public.
Events open to the public, for regular users and for creators, as well as hiring opportunities.
Welcome to Rira.